Our location

Slanted & Enchanted is located at the quiet corner of East 3rd St and East Military Ave in Benicia. We have an entire floor and back yard dedicated to the school, with dedicated rooms for individual play, nap time, circle activities, and meals.

At a glance

  • Open year-round, M-F from 7:45am-5:00pm

  • We accept students between 2.25 years and Kindergarten age.

  • Small, home-based environment

  • Can accommodate both part-time and full-time parent schedules

  • Daily newsletter with photos to keep you informed about your child’s day

  • Ratio of twelve students to three teachers

  • We work with children at all stages of diapers and potty training


Students are not required to attend full-day but tuition prices cover full day.

  • Full-time/5 days a week: $1500 a month or $346 per week

  • 4 days a week: $1284 a month or $297 per week

  • 3 days a week: $952 a month or $220 per week

  • 2 days a week: $620 a month or $143 per week

Daily schedule

7:45am – 9:25am: Children arrive and engage in self-directed activities indoors

9:25am: Clean-up and AM Snack (provided by the school)

9:45am: First circle (calendar, usually followed by daily theme)

10:20 – 11:30: Outdoor time with child-directed activities

11:30—12:00: Lunch (provided by child’s family)

12:00—12: 40: Clean-up as students finish lunch; transition outside

12:40 –2:00: Group splits: nappers in the nap room, no-nappers pursuing quiet activities

2:00 – 3:00: Children who are not sleeping put away their toys or bedding and go outside

3:15: Afternoon Snack (provided by school)

3:45-4:10: Closing activity circle

4:10 – 4:45: Child-directed time, either inside or outside depending on the season

4:45 – 5:00: Pack up and prepare for closing transition

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” -Herman Melville